GSK2879552 2HCl 1401966-69-5
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C23H28N2O2.2HCl |
437.4 |
1401966-69-5 |
98%+ |
GSK2879552 2HCl is a potent, selective, orally bioavailable, irreversible LSD1 inhibitor with Kiapp of 1.7 μM. Phase 1.
In 165 cell lines, GSK2879552 inhibits the growth of 9/28 small cell lung carcinoma (SCLC) lines and 20/29 AML lines ranged from 40% to 100%. The subset of SCLC lines and primary samples that undergo growth inhibition in response to GSK2879552 exhibit DNA hypomethylation of a signature set of probes.
In 165 cell lines, GSK2879552 inhibits the growth of 9/28 small cell lung carcinoma (SCLC) lines and 20/29 AML lines ranged from 40% to 100%. The subset of SCLC lines and primary samples that undergo growth inhibition in response to GSK2879552 exhibit DNA hypomethylation of a signature set of probes.